A Brief History of Fascist Lies
In this short book, world-renowned historian Federico Finchelstein explains why fascists regarded simple and often hateful lies as truth, and why so many of their followers believed the falsehoods. Throughout the history of the twentieth century, many supporters of fascist ideologies regarded political lies as truth incarnated in their leader. This history continues in the present, when lies again seem to increasingly replace empirical truth, and has a long political and intellectual lineage that we cannot ignore.
Booksmith and UC Press present a 6-part series of virtual events focused on urgent societal issues, broadcasting every Monday at 11am PST. This second event in the series features Federico Finchelstein discussing his book A Brief History of Fascist Lies. It’s on August 10th at 11am San Francisco time (7pm UK time).
This is a free event, but RSVP is required. RSVP here.